Rubamin is working towards what it terms as - harnessing the ‘Power of Zero’. We are progressively making investments in future-oriented circular reclamation of strategic metals by systematically replacing all non-renewable inputs or polluting outcomes. There are concrete steps being taken for decarbonization and green energy future.
It is our belief that recyclers must not generate waste of their own. We invest heavily in research and development to ensure that we sharpen our capabilities to process every new recyclable with zero waste. It is through constant innovation and flexibility in production processes that our Green Recycling Complex has remained waste-free since 2017.
Rubamin is taking positive steps as its contribution in mitigate climate change and is building concrete plans of eliminating impact of its operations on environment while helping companies reduce the end-of-life impact of their products through a cradle-to-cradle philosophy. To harness the ‘Power of Zero’ we are working on:
Our actions are fast yielding results, and the company has aggressive expansion plans in near future. By 2027, Rubamin dreams of eradicating 100,000 TPA of industrial wastes and LIB in a responsible, circular and sustainable manner with zero waste, no fresh water and fossil-free energy to attain what we call – ‘The Nirvana of Recycling’.
GHG Emissions
The Company strives towards reducing its GHG emissions by adopting low carbon energy sources, improving its energy productivity and by adopting strategies to optimise transportation and distribution of its products. The carbon footprint of our metal chemicals is benchmarked to the best in the Industry.
Total GHG emissions from operations (including Scope 3) is ~1,31,505 tCO2e which works out to 0.7 tCO2/MT of final products. Scope 3 emissions account for 65.23% of total emissions.
Emissions Control
Rubamin complies with all applicable mandates on air pollutant emissions that include particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulphur. There is periodic third-party monitoring to ensure no instances of non-compliance are recorded.
Water Management
In FY 2023-24 the specific water consumption was 3.5 KL/MT of production. The Company has invested in rain water harvesting projects to become water neutral in future, by creating a pilot project of ~1,00,000 KL water reservoir.
Energy Mangement
In 2019 Rubamin introduced waste heat recovery systems to reduce its energy requirements from grid electricity. The Company is also working towards, investing in large scale solar PV plants to meet its electricity requirements.
We are focused on meeting the highest standards for employee health and safety, and building a workplace that promotes diversity, inclusion, dignity, and respect. Our social targets are to:
Community Impact
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Rubamin portrays the deep symbiotic relationship that the group enjoys with the communities it is engaged with.
Rubamin is committed to making a difference in the society by extending continuous support and creating a positive impact through its CSR programmes in the areas of education, health, rural Infrastructure and art & culture.
In association with Gujarat CSR Authority (GCSRA), Rubamin carried out the renovation of Anganwadi in Gujarat, enabling environment for the social, psychological and physical development of children.
We are also helping 31 Government Schools for improving the learning level of the students in association with two well-known NGOs Pratham and Jivan Tirth impacting 2500 students and their parents. We also support infrastructure development in villages, including building check dams for field irrigation. The project benefited 84 families of nearby villages.
Download: Policy | Committee Composition | Action Plan FY 21-22 | Action Plan FY 22-23 | Action Plan FY 23-24
ARK Foundation
Rubamin in collaboration with ARK foundation, promotes and encourages programs that archive the rich legacy of visual arts at Vadodara.
Its wide range of initiatives focus on creating access and sustaining engagement, encouraging innovations in pedagogy, creating meaningful archives, and patronage towards art practices that have, and continue to emerge from the city. Some such programmes include, ‘The K.G. Subramanyan Memorial lectures’, an annual series of academic lectures held in collaboration with the Maharaja Sayajirao University (MSU);
‘Embark’, an annual exhibition that platforms the artwork of recent MSU graduates, wherein all proceeds from the sale of artworks go directly to the artists.
Rubamin believes in complete transparency and accountability throughout its operations and works in compliance with all the statutory regulations with best-in-class governance practices.
The governance framework for the organisation extends from the Board of Directors to all the working levels in each business unit. Rubamin’s directors bring a diverse set of perspectives into the business along with a host of experience in the sector.
Rubamin has formal Risk Management Policy framework in place which includes:
Internal control systems are backed by well-documented Policies & Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), authority matrix, effective risk management framework and a secured IT System. The various codes and policies available to drive the ESG agenda are as follows:
Download: Annual Return FY 2019-20 | Annual Return FY 2020-21 |
Annual Return FY 2021-22 |
Annual Return FY 2022-23 |
Annual Return FY 2023-24 |